Oh, Nancy, your comments are ‘just stunning”, as you tell the American people to think about how cruel our broken immigration system is as they prepare for Thanksgiving. Here is a challenge to you Ms. Pelosi, if you are so concerned about immigrants, will you host a few illegals at you Thanksgiving table?
For all your bravado, your psuedo-compassion laced talk, I highly doubt you will break from your tradition around your sumptuous, turkey laden fair, to put your money where your mouth is and do something tangible for those you claim to champion.
You say that you have rededicated yourself to advancing immigration that honors families and strengthens communities, yet your form of advancement is a big mouth and a microphone to advance a social agenda that you don’t have to tangibly or personally get your hands dirty doing.
Read Nancy’s hypocritical rhetoric on the next page, as she bullies the public to feel guilty about immigration, but certainly does nothing to personally help any individual family on Thanksgiving.
A federal appeals court said President Barack Obama’s controversial executive actions on immigration — aimed at easing deportation threats for millions of undocumented immigrants — must remain blocked.
On Monday night, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that a lower court did not “abuse its discretion” when it said challengers to the law were likely to succeed in their claim that the programs were unlawful because they didn’t comply with the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), a law that sets forward how federal agencies can establish regulations.
The ruling is a loss for the President — who made immigration reform a key second-term initiative. The Department of Justice said Tuesday that it disagreed with the ruling and plans to seek review from the Supreme Court.
“The Department of Justice remains committed to taking steps that will resolve the immigration litigation as quickly as possible in order to allow DHS to bring greater accountability to our immigration system by prioritizing the removal of the worst offenders, not people who have long ties to the United States and who are raising American children,” Justice Department Patrick Rodenbush said in a statement.
Under normal circumstances, in order for the Supreme Court to hear the case this term, briefing would have to be completed by mid-winter.
Texas and 25 other states had challenged the President’s authority to implement the programs.
“Immigrant families and their U.S. children have been waiting anxiously for the Fifth Circuit to rule,” said Karen Tumlin of the National Immigration Law Center. “We urge the DOJ to immediately ask the Supreme Court to review this erroneous decision.”
Details of the ruling
The 70-page opinion was penned by Judge Jerry E. Smith, a Ronald Reagan appointee, along with Judge Jennifer Elrod, who was appointed to the bench by George W. Bush.
Smith wrote, “Reviewing the district court’s order for abuse of discretion, we affirm the preliminary injunction because the states have standing; they have established a substantial likelihood of success on the merits of their procedural and substantive APA claims; and they have satisfied the other elements required for this injunction.”
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton praised the ruling.
“Today, the Fifth Circuit asserted that the separation of powers remains the law of the land, and the president must follow the rule of law, just like everybody else,” he said in a statement.
“Throughout this process, the Obama Administration has aggressively disregarded the constitutional limits on executive power, and Texas, leading a charge of 26 states, has secured an important victory to put a halt to the president’s lawlessness.”
The President’s plan
Obama unveiled the new policies to great fanfare last November with the aim to marshal government resources and advance public safety and national security goals.
As part of the roll out, the administration established a process — called Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) — to enable about 4.3 million otherwise removable undocumented immigrants to be eligible for work authorization and associated benefits.
The executive actions also expanded the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — a program that allows non citizens who were brought here as children to apply for work authorization and protection from deportation for three years.
Before the programs were slated to go into effect they were challenged by Texas and 25 other states. Republican governors argued the unilateral actions were unconstitutional, and that the administration also violated the APA.
She is a total waste of human sanity a total moron!
You should lead by Example,after shoving down our throats the OBAMASCARES that you and none Democraps could READ…..2016
and that’s how they buy voter’s….just F’ the law of the land and the majority of what American’s want….
then take all of her money and give it to the illegals while sending them back home
the head nodder’s behind her indicate that other Democrats agree with her, but they won’t be having any illegals at their tables either.
A great big idiot
She needs to be fired
F u pelosi