Pelosi Slams Trump After He Hands Her Another Win, Opens Government Without Wall

On Friday President Trump opened the government without any promise by Democrats to build a border wall – handing a victory to Nancy Pelosi and the open borders crowd.

Trump agreed to reopen the government for three weeks while negotiations continued — with no apparent wall funding concessions from Democrats.

The president warned that if Congress could not successfully negotiate a deal including wall funding in three weeks, he would be forced to announce a State of Emergency, which would allow him to shift funds to build border structures without Congress.

“If we don’t get a fair deal from Congress, the government either shuts down on February 15th again or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the Constitution of the United States to address this emergency,” he said.

He argued that he had heard from enough Democrats during the shutdown who were willing to support border security including physical barriers as part of the solution, allowing him to reopen the government temporarily.

“Many disagree, but I really feel that working with Democrats and Republicans, we can make a truly great and secure deal happen for everyone,” he said.

Pelosi responded by slamming Trump ‘for not understanding that several Americans live paycheck to paycheck.’ That’s quite a statement considering that Pelosi’s net worth is around $120 million and she draws a salary of $223,500.

As expected, the response from conservatives was scathing.

Of course, the optics are horrible for Trump. However, what is important in the end is that the wall gets built. Probably the President saw that the stalemate would drag on forever and didn’t want to see hundreds of thousands of federal workers continue to be hurt by the situation, especially with his ability to simply build the wall through executive action.

I seriously doubt that we will have another shutdown in three weeks. Most likely Trump will declare a state of emergency and America will get the wall she needs.

Sources: Breitbart


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