Pelosi: President Trump Leaked Our Afghanistan Commercial Flight Plans

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Friday claimed that she canceled a visit to Afghanistan using a commercial flight because President Trump leaked her travel plans – causing a dangerous situation on the ground with all the ‘bad actors’ in play.

It’s pretty confusing listening to Nancy. First, she says that she was going to get on the bus with the rest of the congressional members who were going to fly with the military, then she says that they have plans to book commercial flights, but that President Trump leaked those plans.

However, President Trump suggested that they could take commercial flights in the same letter that he denied usage of the military for travel. So, Pelosi’s complaint makes no sense at all. Social media is buzzing with ‘how stupid do you think we are’ for attempting such a ‘stupid lie’ types of comments.

Now, tell me Trump didn’t know he was setting up Pelosi to embarrass herself like this.

After Pelosi pulls her stunt with the State of the Union address, Trump uncharacteristically goes silent. Which caught Nancy off guard.

“We haven’t heard — very silent,” a dumbfounded Pelosi told reporters on Thursday.

Madam Speaker, that should have been a big clue something was about to go down.

In a move surely calculated for maximum emotional effect, Trump waits until they are all on the bus before he revokes their access to military aircraft.

As expected, Nancy blows a gasket trying to figure out what to say as she is recovering from Trump’s counterpunch.

Well played, Mr. President.

“We weren’t going to go because we had a report from Afghanistan that the president outing out trip had made feet on the ground much more dangerous because it’s a signal to bad actors that we were coming,” Pelosi told reporters on Friday. “The fact that they would leak that we were flying commercial is a danger not only to us but to other people.

It is “very irresponsible on the part of the president,” Pelosi said of the purported leak. She would not answer how she learned that the White House had leaked the information.
In a statement, the White House denied leaking the speaker’s flight plans, calling the accusation “a flat out lie.”

When the Speaker of the house and about 20 others from Capitol Hill decide to book their own commercial flights to Afghanistan, the world is going to find out. The idea we would leak anything that would put the safety and security of any American at risk is a flat out lie,” said the White House.

In a Thursday letter to Pelosi, President Trump notified the speaker that he was revoking access to the plane for her trip to Egypt, Brussels, and Afghanistan, writing: “In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I’m sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate.”

“I also feel that, during this period, it would be better if you were in Washington negotiating with me and joining the strong border security movement to end the shutdown,” he continued. President Trump said Pelosi was welcome to fly on a commercial plane to make the visit. “Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative,” he wrote.

Source: Breitbart


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