Pelosi might think she is a “target for being a “master legislator”, but those still in full possession of their brains and facial muscles would argue otherwise.
Yet, again she made a complete mockery of our country, and our Constitution when she attempted to speak to a fawning fake news reporter this week.
To put it quite simply, Pelosi understands our Constitution just about as well as she does Islam. If you thought her cringe-worthy attempt to use the National Prayer Breakfast as a platform to explain Islam was bad, well you’re never going to be able to make it through the video on the next page!
It is time for Pelosi to go and no further proof is needed beyond what is provided in that video. Head on over to see this bizarrely fascinating trainwreck of an elderly senile liberal Dumbocrat explaining how our Constitution doesn’t protect the right of people to say wolf. Yes, Wolf! Video on the next page
Doesn’t give her the right to quote a document she hasn’t read, doesn’t understand or uphold the oath of office she took.
And what about McCain making decisions for the country with brain cancer! I can fart faster than he can think.
Wolfe Nancy???? You mean fire?
You got it wrong Nancy, it doesn’t give people the right to yell Pelosi in a theater. It would scare the hell out of everyone.
Seriously Nancy…? IF you only had a BRAIN.
she is not right
You can yell wolf you just can’t yell fire
How about if you are watching the wolf of Wall Street ?
ur stupid my friend