In what can only be good news for conservatives, even Democrats are waking up to the fact that their party is rotten to the core.
Now, this much should have been obvious to anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of modern politics, but many liberals have found themselves shaken to the core by the underhanded tactics and naked self-interest exhibited by the organization this past year. From rigging the party’s primary against Bernie Sanders to colluding with the media to promote Hillary Clinton, some progressives and millennials in particular are starting to understand that the Democrats’ view them as nothing more than pawns.
Another thing that served as a wake-up call to the party’s many shortcomings was the leadership’s insistence on pandering to every group except white working class men, effectively writing off a massive chunk of the country, as many are starting to realize.
Watch video about the state of the Democratic Party on the next page:
Just party of Globalists.
Nancy Pelosi probably gets her money from Soros since 4 had lunch on Sunday and she was 1 of the 4; Soros was #2, don’t know who the other 2 were. Had lunch in DC.
Super delegates?
So many treason trials… hers should be one of the first.
She needs to go. She’s a half wit. Don’t understand how she keeps getting elected.
Democrats continuously prove they hate America! They are a communist/globalism party with no Constitutional interest!
Go away Pelosi.
The people who vote for her are half wits!
The Demonrats turning on each other. Haaaaaaa hahahaha! Pelosi was nothing more than an wretched old ATM machine for them. Wasserman-Shultz was corrupt campaign fixer. Most of the rest are playing the blame game. Pointing fingers. Demanding major changes in this total defeat. Eventually the lies, cheating and corruption comes back around to bite you. I LOVE IT!!!
Yes thanks to all the Leftist involvement the DNC and the Party is Kaput as far as the middle class goes !!!