Every time Nancy Pelosi opens her mouth, her lies come out with so much finesse and confidence that even she believes what she’s saying. Though that’s like any good left-wing politician; she’s a master manipulator . . . or at least it seems that way in her mind. In truth, she’s really just not very smart. So what does that tell you about the people who cling to every word she says? They’re not very clever either. But let the video below give you some hope, because if it shows anything, it’s that ignorance does not go unnoticed. Watch the video below and listen carefully as she gets caught on a hot mic telling Andre Carson to make sure the audience knows he’s Muslim.
Watch the video below.
She is nutty as a fruit cake
She and other democrats in California are what is wrong with the state.
She is a moron
Crying pussies
total sick nut Case
Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, the list goes on until we run out of Liberals… Which one is not totally brain-dead? And who was their fellow idiot that warned that Guam would capsize if we added any more weight to it – Try sitting in Congress as a Conservative during that hearing… and not laughing your$#%&!@*off!!!