“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals” – Anonymous
Following Nancy Pelosi’s call to investigate the team that exposed Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby body parts from aborted fetuses, The Department of Justice has announced a probe into whether or not the ghastly footage was obtained legally.
That’s right, instead of investigating whether or not Planned Parenthood is engaging in illegal trafficking of body parts, they are going after those that exposed the possible crime.
What’s a matter Nancy, were you going to buy some baby parts?
This fruitcake needs to GO !!!
They were in a pulic space and I think had no expectation of privacy. My only disappoint in life is that these idiots were not aborted. I think that was a less crunchy statement.
i want and investigation on why they let her out of what ever mental ins$#%&!@*ution she came from. And yes this is shameful when we expose the truth about liberals (Plan Parenthood) – right. Lets do it – defund them .
We should investigate you.
What abainless Slug !!
Why does the truth hurt ?
And she calls herself a Catholic???? What a joke and I bet every Sunday when she goes to m$#%&!@* she takes communion. She will burn in hell.
I wonder if people really understood up until now what Planned Parenthood was all about. I certainly hadn’t. NOW I just hope all those informed will call for this to end for it is murder most vile.
Complete idiot!