At this point, this is all becoming rather sad. Actually, it’s been sad. For the next four, possibly eight years, the left will whine and complain, while judging harshly everything that Donald Trump has done, and CNN will be a major part in facilitating it. During a Town Hall meeting Pelosi claimed that Gorsuch is well outside rational legal thought. It’s ironic that she uses that term, and then gets caught saying something victimizing on a hot mic.
Check out the video below.
If you have eyes you can see Pelosi is bat$#%&!@*crazy and a total disgrace to our country.
They did a good job of hiding her frontal lobotomy scar with a wrinkle.
How does she stand the noise of the air rushing thru her ears into that empty echo chamber of a head and out her$#%&!@*?
Her lights might be on but they are really dim.
I keep telling you Nancy lay off the gin
Leader of the dem house and she is dumb and dumber ….
Talk about stupid this is it.
Motor’s running but nobody’s behind the wheel