Pelosi Blames Reps Criticizing Hillary during 2016 Campaign for Scalise Shooting

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D – CA) stated yesterday during a press briefing that the right is to blame for the recent surge in politically motivated violence and the left merely circumstantial victims by default of being alive in the presence of such hateful nasty mean old Republicans.

Settle down Nancy, you ole gal. You’re losing your mind. Take it easy. Just give the word and someone will help deport you to the nearest nursing home. They’ll even make sure and send the address to your plastic surgeon as well.

Did Ms. Pelosi actually think before admitting Republican’s comments regarding Hillary the Liberal Defender of Men who Rape Women, Killary Oops Benghazi and Private Email Server, and Shillary Don’t You Dare Bring-up Wikileaks Proves I Helped Arm ISIS At Obama’s Request are the reason liberals want to murder those on the Right?

Reporter: “This affliction, this coarsened political behavior. Do you see this as equally afflicting the left and the right?” a reporter asked Pelosi during the press conference.

Pelosi: “No, I do not,” she responded.

Pelosi discussed threats that had been made against herself before claiming that Republicans were the ones responsible for the “politics of personal destruction” that led to the shooting of Scalise and others.

“It didn’t use to be this way. Somewhere in the 90s, Republicans decided on a politics of personal destruction as they went after the Clintons, and that is the provenance of it, and that is what has continued,” Pelosi said.You

Pelosi just admitted that the violence against the right was initiated by the left as payback for the honest questioning of the Clinton’s and Obama’s corruption and blatant disrespect for the U.S. Constitution.

Liberals don’t get reality or hypocrisy. And that’s terrifying. Why are people continuing to elect such out-of-touch politicians who don’t stand up for the needs of everyday Americans or represent them in a sane humane fashion?

Because once again, you don’t hear Ms. Pelosi condemning the Student Democrat Socialist Club in Georgia calling for Republicans to be beheaded. 

You don’t hear Ms. Pelosi calling for liberal media to stop glorifying the murder of our President.

You hear her justifying the murder of Republicans and Trump supporters. Just last week Ms. Pelosi got caught saying people who voted for President Trump are animals and just “voting in a certain way” like “primates”.  This is where Ms. Pelosi and the left’s political agenda starts to tragically make sense in a sickening way. They don’t view conservatories as people. They don’t view Christians as people. Just think back to the 2016 presidential campaign where it was revealed Hillary Clinton privately referred to Christians and Catholics as being “severely backwards”.  Christians are also viewed as nothing more than pesky “animals” to the Democrats. This is why they don’t feel bad about the violence and needless deaths their agenda is facilitating.

Source: Free Beacon



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