PBS High School Lesson Plan: “Dying to Be a Martyr”

Justin Haskins from the Heartland Institute is reporting that PBS is now offering the multimedia curriculum called “Dying to Be a Martyr” to teachers and students for free through PBS Learning Media.

“Teachers are asked to check students’ understanding of the reasons Mohanned feels he would rather die and be a martyr than live his life. The lesson suggests that Mohanned may feel that way because “Palestinians have less land, fewer privileges, cannot come and go as they please.”

In Part IV of the lesson plan, Majdi is interviewed in a video and is asked why it is acceptable for him to kill women and children.

“If the Israelis kill a child in Gaza, I’m ready to kill one in Tel Aviv,” he says. “If they destroy houses in Gaza, I’ll do it in Tel Aviv. If they give me security in my land, then there’s no problem.”

“No instructions are provided telling teachers to denounce the radical claims made by Majdi, and there are no other lesson plans describing the conflict from the point of view of the Israelis,” observes Haskins.”

“Dying to Be a Martyr” is created by PBS, funded by JP Morgan Chase and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and supported by the Smithsonian, United Nations and Indiana Department of Education.

The Christian Action Network (CAN) is petitioning to stop the liberal organization from receiving public funding to create radical Islamic indoctrination programming in the U.S. CAN president, Martin Mawyer is claiming that liberal propaganda such as “Dying to Be a Martyr is a threat to U.S. school children.

“Mawyer claims that through the Access Islam curriculum, American students are taught the Islamic way of life in a way that crosses the line from academics to indoctrination.”

Furthermore, this current situation is not an isolated incidence or obscure opinion among liberal democrats. Former President Barak Obama has also publicly stated that he feels members of al Qaeda and ISIS had “legitimate grievances”.

People not in favor of U.S. children being indoctrinated with radical Islamic propaganda have the option to join the petition against PBS receiving public funding to support liberal agendas.

Source: Breitbart

Image: The Day



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