House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul (R-TX) introduced House Bill 4038, known as the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act, in the wake of the Paris bombings by members of ISIS, the radical Islamic army, and it was voted on the House floor Thursday.
The outcome was 289 – 137 in favor, including a substantial portion of Democrats who fear the wrath of the American people if they do not show some commitment to protecting the citizens of this country. However, many members of both the Republican and Democrat parties have criticized the bill as being insufficient and ineffective in keeping terrorists disguised as immigrants fleeing civil war in Syria out of the country.
The bill must still pass the Senate, and President Obama has threatened to veto the bill in spite of the bipartisan support and the desire of the American people to keep America safe. It seems that there is no situation where Obama will take the side of the American public over the desires of those outside the country.
But the bill is also a first with the new leadership of the House and could prove to be a harbinger of things to come.
See page 2 for House leadership problems
He is truly a Democrat and trying to play macho man with the party that ditsed him
What a idiot
Non American
Revolution is looking are only chance of surviving these stupid politicians
No, what we all need to do is drive to DC & storm Congress & the White House bringing the Military, Police, Federal Marshalls, FBI with us and arrest all the traitors with us starting with Obama for High Treason for arming & abetting our enemies. And we can do it because Egypt did If they can do it, we can too! As soon as the Egyptians started marching on their capital it persuaded their military to arrest Morsi & his corrupt regime.
Paul Ryan is corrupt as Obama is, as the RINO’S are!
Boehner…the sequel!!!
Thank you Paul!
we told you this “C@^* sucker was no good
And plans a buses loaded down. As u sleep…it never going to stop…