President Trump has plenty of enemies with whom to contend. Some of these are the usual culprits and are to be expected. There are members of the Democratic Party who are dedicated to obstructing anything he proposes. Then there are foreign leaders who are ready to oppose the U.S. as well as whomever happens to be the president at the time.
One place where he should not be getting resistance, at least not to the degree he has experienced, is from his own party. That’s not to say they should just act as doormats for whatever President Trump proposes, but there should be a sense that Republican Congressional leaders and the president are on the same page. Unfortunately, with individuals such as John McCain and Paul Ryan holding leadership positions, this is not the case.
One example would be Speaker Ryan’s recent insistence that American industry hire more foreign workers as opposed to President Trump’s emphasis on hiring and buying American.
More on page two.
Swamp gas spewing.
What a horse’s ass
ARE YOU A MORON ????? You do not bring in more and more and more ILLEGALS to add to our work force . You provide jobs for the American Citizens . Who ever told you that we need more ILLEGALS is another BRAINLESS MORON.
Our government favors illegals and non-citizens over the American citizens. Its quite obvious. But regardless, all of these assholes will continue to get voted in, because people are that stupid.
millions of Americans out of work…really Paulie? lead, follow, or in your case just get the heck out of the way.
Like hell
It’s confirmed that Paul Ryan is receiving money from the shadow government. I wonder at what price he sold out for…
Islam was banned from the USA in 1952, Public law 414 Chapter 2 Section 212 prohibition of entry to the Us if the alien belongs to an organization seeking to over throw the goverment of the
United States by “force”, violence, or other unconstitutional means by definition this rules out Islamic immigration. Immigration to the United States would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to the Islam which is antithetical to the US goverment, the Consitution and the republic. Wether it is a religion is emmateral because the law states that aliens who are affiliated with “any organization “that advocates the over throw of our government are prohibited”.