Paul Ryan Stalls Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act

Paul Ryan is once again pumping the brakes on Republican legislation. The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act has vast conservative support, but the House Majority Leader has yet to say whether it will even come to a vote.

Eighty members of Congress, including two Democrats, now support the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act, with one more congressman and a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee signing up since the last update. There’s only one problem: The Republican leadership is stalling it, even though the House version passed the Judiciary Committee.

The two new cosponsors are Senator David Perdue (R-GA) and Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA). The former is especially significant because he is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee where it is held up. A list of cosponsors and opponents is available at the bottom of this article.

Terrorism expert Patrick Poole writes that the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Corker (R-TN), has not even held hearings on the bill, much less arranged for it to be voted on. Corker is reportedly being vetted as a potential running mate for Donald Trump.

The story is even more discouraging in the House, where support for the bill was proven when it passed the Judiciary Committee. Yet, Speaker Paul Ryan and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy have not given any public indication that he’ll have the House vote on it.

Despite the differences between House Republicans and Paul Ryan, one would think that terrorism would be the one thing all conservatives could agree on. It turns out, politics may still be more important in the eyes of the Republican House Majority Leader.

Source: Clarion Project



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