Paul Ryan may have endorsed Donald Trump earlier this year, but it’s clear he’s taken no pleasure in doing so. Even after his endorsement — and despite being the highest ranking member of the Republican Party — Paul Ryan has often refused to defend Trump. To many, it appeared as if Ryan has been looking for a way out for months. This week, he may have found his excuse in the recently released “Trump tapes.”
The tapes, in which Trump bragged about his ability to woo women with his celebrity, was condemned across the board. Even his own wife called the remarks “unacceptable and offensive.” Trump has since apologized, and announced he was committed to finishing his campaign.
For most conservatives, that should be enough. Despite the unflattering portrayal these tapes leveled on Trump’s image, he remains the only conservative in the race. If Republican leaders actually care about the implementation of conservative law, Trump is the only logical choice. Giving Clinton veto power over a Republican-controlled congress would stall the conservative movement for years, if not more.
But Paul Ryan doesn’t seem to care about any of that. Despite the fact that his speakership would be all but useless without a Republican in the White House, he is once again announcing that he will no longer campaign with or for Donald Trump.
Read his statement on the next page:
Get rid of this traitor
Ryan is a RINO
You are rather sucking!
I was a registered republican all my life, but after we elected a majority in both the house and senate and not one thing was done to reverse obama’s failed policies, I switched to independent. I hold Paul Ryan and other republican rhinos responsible for this. I cannot in good faith continue to support sitting gop members. I will vote Trump this election to finally have a leader who will bring our country back from liberal and traitorous GOP policies that are ruining our country. Bye bye republican rhino’s and liberals.
Ryan is a total disgrace. No better than crazy Nancy. Pathetic!
I’m sick of Ryan and his holier then thou act…I’m pulling the Trump lever and screw the Republican party.They won’t have my vote….
I am sickened by his fickle actions.
Paul Ryan you are a$#%&!@*head
The self-righteous amongst us have lost our country. The important question is how you gooing to pay for it?
He wants to see hildabeast in office, because he thinks that in 4 years it will set him up better so he can run for prez.