Speaker of the House Paul Ryan recently became more of an ally for Donald Trump. After keeping his distance for months on the campaign trail, Ryan is now defending the president’s agenda with surprising force, at least for Ryan.
It was less than a year ago that Ryan refused to endorse his party’s nominee for president ahead of the Republican National Convention. Just one month to election day, it was reported that Ryan would no longer defend Trump — thanks in large part to the Access Hollywood tapes that were revealed in mid-October.
But times have changed drastically. Ryan is no longer the most powerful Republican in government. That title is now Trump’s, and Ryan seems to have come to terms with the president’s agenda.
Watch on the next page as Ryan shuts down a CBS reporter who began to attack Trump’s immigration policies:
Your comfort with judging and condemning others for their political leanings that are not aligned with yours should disturb you. My credentials, education and profession do not need to be evaluated or approved by you.
I still,don’t not trust him!
Carolyn Salerno First, so you don’t bring it up: I did not vote for Hillary. That said, let’s forget the “p*ssy grabbing comments”, but just on principle alone how could you vote for Trump? Don’t you want a world where a woman’s looks are not important in relation to her status in society or the world? Don’t you want to fight the idea that a woman’s beauty has a “value” in our society? Do you not teach your daughters that her exterior appearance means nothing; that her intelligence, kindness, and inward happiness is all that matters? We all know Trump has the exact opposite view toward women on these subjects. He believes a woman’s worth is based on her looks. You cannot deny that. You voted for him; so how do you explain to your daughter that the only way Trump could fight Ted Cruz during the election was to publish photos of Cruz’s wife and make negative comments about her looks/appearance; at the same time showing how big of a man he is by stating how hot his wife is. Like it is a contest. Seriously; what do you tell your daughters? Now, should I bring up his three marriages, his trophy wife that is 25 years younger; his insecurities about everything; how he has to tell anyone who will listen how great he is (we all know the type); and will attack anyone who makes a real criticism of him (see tweet to everyone including a federal judge and ex beauty queen at 3am); breaking cordial ties with Australia and other countries you never heard of until Trump talked to them.
As stated earlier if you were at a party with Trump, and he was not the public figure he is, just a “normal” person but the same personality; you would say “what a pompous$#%&!@* behind his back. An educated person knows the type and would not want them as their president. Will he help the economy, I think he will; but that does not mean you have to like him.
The difference between a red blooded American and a snowflake is this. One will shed blood to make America great again and the other has a meltdown when they p***k their finger.
Josh Stroebel you certainly are great at judging people unfairly. You are wrong on many levels. You have no idea how educated the people are that voted for Trump. You know nothing of Trump other than speculative opinion that you choose to believe. Trump is a billionaire with a 98% business success rate employing over 50K, now serving as commander in chief – that takes a brilliant person. I enjoy reality tv, and the Apprentice was a great show if you like employment, discipline, challenges and people from all walks of life. Although the governor could not outTrump the Trump, the dynamics of the show were still great. Maybe you could be less embarrassed if you watched it rather than criticize it – you possibly could have learned something. Maybe you would respect Trump if you knew of his numerous acts of generosity and empathy. Ivanka said “I have watched my father during my lifetime tear out newspaper articles and the such of people in need and he helps them.” If you look for the negativity in someone, you will surely find it. Your comments were ignorant and they should be what embarrasses you.
Josh Stroebel I have a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and graduated$#%&!@*Laude. I voted for Trump. Yes, he may be a narcissist and should probably choose some of his battles a little bit better but he is no b******t. He’s a businessman. He’s a wheeler dealer. THAT my freind is what this country needs right now. Not another dishonest politician. He, nor non of his staff can be bought. They are are billionaires. They’re not in it for money. He’s not even taking a salary. He’s going to bring jobs back, keep the undesireables out and take this country back! Go team Trump!!!
Sandra Greene Hahahahhaaaa …..you referenced the Apprentice; like it is a real thing! OMG you just proved my point! Were done here
Catz McLean Catz, be a good wife and shut up and get me a beer.
Josh Stroebel I know many educated people that voted for the President. Salt of the Earth people voted for the President. All walks of life voted for OUR President. This makes me very happy and I am soooooo proud to be an AMERICAN.
Kathy Jeroue Nobody is saying they are not good people; but if I polled most voters for Trump they would be minimally educated people that don’t like change. Change scares the uneducated and less intelligent. That is why the word “again” was so resonating in Trump’s “make America great again” mantra. Trump supporters want is like it was in 1950; where women stayed home with the kids, black people knew there place; gays never existed, and the idea of a transgender person would have make them get their gun. You see, i know many people will read my comment and say “damn right, the 50’s were a great time!” Yes, for white men. A woman who wanted to get the same job as a man and treated equally (Nope) / black people who wanted to their children to go to the same schools as whites, or even sit at the same table (nope) / gay people to be treated as normal people (nope); Should I go on? You see deplorables, things change, without change you die. but keep going backward; it fits