Speaker of the House Paul Ryan recently became more of an ally for Donald Trump. After keeping his distance for months on the campaign trail, Ryan is now defending the president’s agenda with surprising force, at least for Ryan.
It was less than a year ago that Ryan refused to endorse his party’s nominee for president ahead of the Republican National Convention. Just one month to election day, it was reported that Ryan would no longer defend Trump — thanks in large part to the Access Hollywood tapes that were revealed in mid-October.
But times have changed drastically. Ryan is no longer the most powerful Republican in government. That title is now Trump’s, and Ryan seems to have come to terms with the president’s agenda.
Watch on the next page as Ryan shuts down a CBS reporter who began to attack Trump’s immigration policies:
Welcome aboard Mr.Ryan , better late than never.
How about those Russian hookers?
That sure was honest journalism huh?
Getting ready to lynch Flynn even after he was cleared of wrong doing,
Real professional huh?
Bias media slanting in favor of one candidate over the other didn’t influence the election?
Oh the Russians hack who?
The DNC staffer that got shot died of natural causes?
Yea lead poisoning is a real$#%&!@*huh?
All these riots and protests are only following the Globalists agenda by creating a civil unrest.
Those protesting don’t even know why they protest…
A womans march to defend abortions, really?
A protest for illegal immigrants, really?
Protesting anit-muslims because they are so sweet,friendly and peaceful, really?
Islam has been at war for thousands of years but now all of a sudden it’s Americas fault, really?
8 years of Obamas screwing America into the ground while funding and arming isis and other terrorist countries is ok?
Obama and Hillary can commit treason in Benghazi but yall seem to have forgotten how much Hillary and Obama did to cover up that story…
I didn’t see mass protests to have either one of those obvious criminals impeached even after we saw Hillary destroy evidence and lie to Mr. Trey Gowdy…
Alot of Hillarys and Obamas corrupt flunkies are running around doing thier best to discredit or impeach President Trump because he is working without his 400k salary, Mrs Trump wants to keep her child away from the snakes in the swamp and yall want to$#%&!@*about the costs of security…really?
Obamas got to spend millions on lavish vacations and golfing while America was in trouble or flooding in the south…but no protests there…btw…
Trump went to Louisiana after the floods and gave from his own money to help out…Obama golfed and Hillary hid out…wtf?
If President Trump farted would you$#%&!@*because it smelled like bacon to muslims?
Some of yall really need to stop all the b******t and if you don’t want to help our president then get out of his way…
President Trump only wants to make America a Great Nation again, a Safe Nation…
Did it ever occur to the Dems the Libs and the Rhinos that if they were not such a security risk to the Trumps family and the safety of America that maybe the cost of security wouldn’t be so high?
Get off his nuts, quit humping his leg,stop making dumbassed threats to his family…
Let POTUS TRUMP do the job that We the People Elected him for…
Do any of yall Want Sharia islam in America?
Is everybody ok with Corruption in our government?
Other than going against the Globalist agenda and wanting to kick terrorism, and make America the Great Nation l grew up in…
What has POTUS TRUMP done?
Is there Any Real Evidence to have him impeached?
I haven’t seen him playing cigar games with WH aids like ol Slick Willy nor have l seen him colluding with any other country like Kerry, McCain or Waters…
He didn’t creat, fund or sell weapons to isis and he didn’t sell uranium to lran or Russia,
Like Obama and Hillary…
He has kept up his words and campaign promises and that is something our country had not seen in decades…
Who wants to be the trolls to try and prove me wrong?
Better do your homework because l don’t t watch bias news on tv…
Ed McKenna
Do you want sharia muslims to invade your city and rape your women and children?
Are you ok with the last 8 years of Obamas corruption, fraud and treason?
Did you forget Benghazi or 9/11?
This woman was a rape victim who wanted justice…
After she died they burned her body in the strets and left her to the dogs…
Oh, I can’t wait Michael!
This man was a Christian trying to walk home from church when he was attacked…
If your religion promotes an attitude like yours, you need to get some major therapy you sick bastard!
This is what great leadership does it inspires other to greatness having followed Trump’s lead this man might one day make a good candidate for the presidentsy
Soros, Obama and Hillary are the cause of the problem for the Trump admin.