Speaker of the House Paul Ryan recently became more of an ally for Donald Trump. After keeping his distance for months on the campaign trail, Ryan is now defending the president’s agenda with surprising force, at least for Ryan.
It was less than a year ago that Ryan refused to endorse his party’s nominee for president ahead of the Republican National Convention. Just one month to election day, it was reported that Ryan would no longer defend Trump — thanks in large part to the Access Hollywood tapes that were revealed in mid-October.
But times have changed drastically. Ryan is no longer the most powerful Republican in government. That title is now Trump’s, and Ryan seems to have come to terms with the president’s agenda.
Watch on the next page as Ryan shuts down a CBS reporter who began to attack Trump’s immigration policies:
There’s a war against Christianity. Our brothers and sisters are getting beheaded and tortured. It’s just a matter of time until it’s going to happen here in the US. Just look at Michigan there’s whole cities run by muslims. The terror attacks seem to be the norm in the world today. They are starting a world wide jihad,and people better open their eyes.
Really don’t care for Rayan. Something about him that I don’t trust. His support however is needed to help Trump.
They need to stand by Trump
Ok, Paul! About time.
Ryan cannot be trusted. This may have been a charade to camouflage his financial ties to Soros.
ABC , CBS and NBC are all so one sided its sickening. I am so tired of the little weasel George Snufalufagus trying to stir up$#%&!@*with Trump. I thought media was supposed to be neutral and report news, not try to make it!
And now FRANCE has been OVERRUN!
So where was your voice when the 2 presidents before Trump issued the same orders but were not courageous enough to carry them out. You speak with forked tongue.
Trying to kiss up to our President.. Paul Ryan is a back stabber not to be trusted
Find Ryan you fighting for the right side and I guess better be late then never hung