Speaker of the House Paul Ryan recently became more of an ally for Donald Trump. After keeping his distance for months on the campaign trail, Ryan is now defending the president’s agenda with surprising force, at least for Ryan.
It was less than a year ago that Ryan refused to endorse his party’s nominee for president ahead of the Republican National Convention. Just one month to election day, it was reported that Ryan would no longer defend Trump — thanks in large part to the Access Hollywood tapes that were revealed in mid-October.
But times have changed drastically. Ryan is no longer the most powerful Republican in government. That title is now Trump’s, and Ryan seems to have come to terms with the president’s agenda.
Watch on the next page as Ryan shuts down a CBS reporter who began to attack Trump’s immigration policies:
Ryan bravely fail to answer the question
Josh Stroebel I thought you were funny pointing out to the era they think was “great”.
Really? His ban was unconstitutional so it isn’t doing anything except wreaking havoc and making the US look like a hunch of heartless idiots. And, guess where he is this weekend. You got it, golfing. Not to mention, when he sent the Navy Seal team to get one seal and 20 civilians killed, including three children, did he go to the situation room and monitor how it went? Nope, he went to bed. That is true concern.
Everyone has a right to become a United States citizen.. According to the collectivist,socialist, Communist paradigm, it is indeed the truth… The Communist ideology holds that everyone who is supposedly oppressed (non-whites, gays, women, Muslims, you name it…) has a right to claim what’s his or hers..
Muslims and others who live outside of the United States are then, by definition, victims of oppression.. Oppression by whom?
By all the rest of us, particularly if we are white, male, or legal American citizens..
It’s that popular but patently wrong zero-sum attitude where those who have more automatically oppress those who have less…
To the socialist leftist mindset, rushing immigrants into the country, especially the United States with its massive welfare and entitlement state is an imperative act of justice…
That’s one of the reasons they brand rational attempts to control immigration as “racist.”
This Communist, Marxist point-of-view assumes that it’s racist to deny the product of wealth redistribution to those who supposedly need it…
Morally speaking, it is true that human beings enjoy the individual right to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness…
Politically speaking, most governments throughout history have denied those rights to individuals..
So, the quest to see everyone on Earth enjoy the individual rights that, by and large, Americans have historically enjoyed, explains the romance and benevolence that many imagine immigration still to be..
But the truth is not so pretty.. The reality is that the United States is now just as much (if not more) a wealth redistribution state based on political connections as it is a genuine land of liberty..
Many of the people who enter our country wish to live their lives in liberty, but many others seek to live off the government, and the government (particularly under the previous administration’s policies) encourages and fosters this dependence..
On top of it, Muslims entering the United States do not only come for a life of liberty, which includes a desire to live under a church-state separation; many of them, even if not active terrorists, are more than friendly to the idea of a Muslim-influenced government that enforces their Sharia law, creating multiple dilemmas and problems for those of us who prefer to keep church and state separate..
Leftists shriek that it’s politically incorrect to point this out, but it’s a fact whether they like it or not, and everybody knows it…
The truth is simple: Nobody has a right to enter the United States as an entitlement.. However, a society based on liberty rationally seeks and embraces all liberty-loving people, so a rational and economically, politically free country has everything to gain by letting people into the country, as long as they’re fellow liberty lovers… Insisting they prove that they are, as President Trump demands, is not an act of injustice.. If anything, it’s an act of self preservation for the free country’s very survival…
Donald Trump’s insistence that citizenship be earned flies in the face of Marxist leaning politicians, professors and judges’ opinions that all inhabitants of the planet are not merely entitled to liberty and individual rights, but also to all manner of goods and services to be paid for by others education, health care, business subsidies, cell phones, food stamps, you name it…
The so called “Muslim ban” is much more than a temporary prohibition against people who subscribe to an ideology dedicated to the destruction of America…
It flies in the face of the collectivist, socialist idea that American citizens, as the most prosperous on earth, are morally and politically obligated to support those with less..
In short, if you’re born or live in the United States as a citizen, you are not only your fellow citizens’ keeper, but the world’s keeper on top of it… The Marxist goal has finally gone international.. Stalin and Lenin would be proud..
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” That’s the creed of Marxism..
Marxism is alive and well in America, particularly in government, academia and Hollywood… That’s the reason that the rage against Donald Trump is so out of control as to verge on full blown psychosis…
String himb up.
About time.
Get over yourself
Dave Weiss, Muslims believe in Heaven???
How many have had family members murdered by muslim extremists. Me, so I feel qualified to be supportive of stronger vetting procedures being in place and a temporary ban til that’s possible.
Also, Boston, Orlando, Colorado, there have been many attacks since 9/11. Just because previous administration didn’t call them what they were, they still are terrorist attacks by muslim extremists.