Paul Ryan Rushing To Push Internet Spying Bill Through Congress

A wide coalition of activists and organizations has arisen to put a halt to CISA. Of course, considering the shocking provisions of the proposed legislation, it is no wonder that these groups and individuals would be galvanized into stopping it. Indeed, the outrage surrounding the bill just might be the reason Ryan is moving so quickly to get it passed.

“Republican House speaker Paul Ryan has been leading the charge to push through legislation and reconcile two bills, the Protecting Cyber Networks Act (PCNA) and the National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement with the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 (Cisa), a controversial bill that passed a Senate vote in October.

The speed with which Ryan is trying to push through a compromise has worried privacy activists. ‘We’ve just learned that the Intelligence Committees are trying to pull a fast one,’ Nathan White, senior legislative manager at digital rights advocate Access, said in a recent email to supporters. ‘They’ve been negotiating in secret and came up with a Frankenstein bill – that has some of the worst parts from both the House and the Senate versions.’

According to the letter’s signatories, the proposed ‘conference’ legislation would:

    • Create a loophole that would allow the president to remove the Department of Homeland Security, a civilian agency, as the lead government entity managing information sharing.

    • Reduce privacy protections for Americans’ personal information.

    • Overexpand the term ‘cyber threat’ to facilitate the prosecution of crimes unrelated to cybersecurity.

    • Expand already broad liability protection for information disclosure.

    • Pre-empt state, local or tribal disclosure laws on any cyber-threat information shared by or with a state, tribal or local government.

    • Eliminate a directive to ensure data integrity.”

Source: Liberty Blitzkrieg



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