Whose side is Paul Ryan on? That of the American people or Hillary Clinton? With the recent media attack against Trump, one would hope that the Speaker of the House would at the very least stand with the GOP nominee for President.
Issuing a statement on Sunday, siding with Hillary and Khizr Khan, Ryan “disavowed the use of a religious test” when permitting foreign migrants to enter the country.
He stated, “As I have said on numerous occasions, a religious test for entering our country is not reflective of these fundamental values. I reject it. Many Muslim Americans have served valiantly in our military and made the ultimate sacrifice. Captain Khan was one such brave example. His sacrifice — and that of Khizr and Ghazala Khan — should always be honored. Period.”
This is not the first time Ryan’s positions have aligned with pro-immigration leftists.
“I do not think a Muslim ban is in our country’s interests,” Ryan said during his press conference this morning. “I do not think it’s reflective of our principles.”
Ryan said he stood by his comments against Trump’s proposed ban in December 2015 after the attacks in Paris in which he described it as “not conservatism” and “not what this party stands for.”
Ryan urged Americans to remember that the fight was against radical Islamic terrorism and that the majority of Muslims were peaceful and important allies in the fight against terrorism.
“This is a war with radical Islam, it’s not a war with Islam,” he said. “Muslims are our partners. The vast, vast majority of Muslims in this country and around the world are moderate, they’re peaceful, they’re tolerant.”
By aligning himself with the left on this issue, Ryan alienates many conservatives and Trump supporters.
Read more of Ryan’s double agent behavior on the next page.
Never crooked hillary
Sad day for Wisconsin
Me too!!
RonnieandTina Moulton , Like this here !!———————————–>György Schwartz (Kahazars Jew , Balkans / Russia , not Israeli) a.k.a George Soros , not Greek either ! Let’s not leave out his lil’ buddies —-Rothschild Group ….Hateful & socialist controllers everywhere !!!! ……….who pays is right here……………….In the field of politics Evelyn’s main agents (including Soros), Norman Lamont, Peter Mandelson, Oliver Letwin and Vernon Jordan (all of whom are Khazars!). Lamont influence the Conservative Party and the potential prime minister Michael Howard (a Khazar). He was finance minister during the tenure of Margaret Thatcher. Participated in regional conferences together with Stjepan Mesic and Boris Tadic. Peter Mandelson is the current Minister of Great Britain in the EU and is close to Labour Party and Tony Blair.
On the other hand, Vernon Jordan (Lazard Bank) is very influential in the Democratic Party in the United States(he was an advisor to Bill Clinton and led the campaign for John Kerry 2004.). Evelyn’s wife Lynn financed Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign and is also a close friend of Hillary Clinton. How Clinton removes his opponents ………………….This above ^ here can be vetted by this title….” Rothschild over the Balkans “…George Soros gave $1 mil to John Kasich to stay in the race to screw votes up for Trump..!!!!….Another common core/NAFTA/Bailout r.i.n.o. bought & paid for !!!!!!……….Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi works for Goldman Sachs & the WB / IMF & Both are open borders like U.N. & Rupert Murdoch & are all owned by the ” Rothschild Group “……This is all fact !!
Ryan is a snake
Paul you better decide who side you are on ! The people are getting tired of whip lash.