Paul Ryan Plays Bugle to Hillary’s Attacks on Trump

The Clinton campaign used the death of Captain Khan, a Muslim who fought valiantly in Iraq for the United States, as a reason for Muslim immigrants to be admitted into the United States.  Trump said that Khan was a hero, but argued that unfettered immigration must be addressed.

In Trump’s view, Islamic migration will focus on geography and regions, not on a religious test, but Ryan ignored this aspect of Trump’s policy and joined the Hillary media frenzy surrounding the perceived Trump anti-Muslim agenda.

In his statement, Ryan did not mention that Trump has recently made clear that his plan to curb Islamic migration will focus on geography and regions. Nor did Ryan mention that — as many, including Jeff Sessions and Andrew McCarthy, have pointed out — religious screening is, in fact, constitutional.

Ryan’s latching onto this Hillary narrative, while ignoring the families who have lost loved ones due to Obama’s open borders, hurts the conservative platform for immigration reform.  The need to secure the borders to keep American citizens safe  has shifted in Ryan’s rhetoric as he sides with the left’s ideology of “the unique benefits of diversity or the hardships imposed by institutional racism.”

The crux of the Khan family’s argument appears to be that because Trump’s interpretation of the constitution differs from their own, that Trump has somehow dishonored the memory of their son’s death. While some may find this to be a rather circuitous argument, it has been embraced by the establishment media.

The argument from the Khan family and their media boosters seems to be that because their son died in Iraq, and also happened to be Muslim, that the U.S. is morally obligated to admit an unlimited number of Muslim immigrants in the future with no examination or scrutiny paid to their religious beliefs — even though it is precisely this lax policy that allowed 3,000 Americans to die on 9/11 and many more to die in subsequent attacks.

It appears Ryan’s own interpretation of the Constitution matches that of Hillary and Kahn and not one of conservatism.  His recent “700 pages that were inserted into the 2,009 page omnibus spending bill” demonstrates this support for “expanded the foreign worker program” over American workers.

The reason that this was passed is because there was some seasonal surge jobs that they can’t find local workers to fill, like the seafood packaging industry in Chesapeake Bay. You have seafood season, you need people to package those things, to can them. In the North, we have the summer tourism industry. What it is is there’s seasonal industries where they can’t find local people to do the jobs: kids are already in college or things like that where you have a surge in workers.

Ryan explained that the provision was passed specifically “to help small business who cannot find labor when there’s a surge in demand for their labor like seafood processing, or tourism.”

Ryan warned, “The point is these businesses would have shut down without this and that’s what we didn’t want to see happen. We didn’t want to see businesses, who are seasonal, shut down because they couldn’t get the labor. That’s why this provision was passed in July.”

Breitbart suggested that Ryan would achieve more of his legislative goals under a Hillary presidency.

Indeed, several reports have documented that Ryan would likely accomplish more of his legislative goals on foreign trade, foreign migration, and foreign wars if Hillary Clinton were in the White House than if Donald Trump were president.

Ryan will face Wisconsin voters at the polls on August 9th. Should Ryan win his re-election and Trump lose, it is likely that — as Tim Kaine has predicted — amnesty will be enacted within the first 100 days, the TPP will be implemented, and criminal sentencing laws will be reduced, potentially resulting in an increase in the amount of violent crime and recidivism in U.S. communities.

All of these policies are supported by Paul Ryan, the Koch brothers, and the globalist special interests who fund both the Clinton campaign and Ryan.

If Trump is elected President, Ryan better figure out a way to work with Trump to make America great again, which is what Trump supporters desire.  They have fought against the establishment, which Ryan is morphing into and have decidedly thrown support to Trump.

Immigration is a HUGE issue with the American voter and Hillary’s approach one that eliminates our country via dissolution of borders.

Source: Breitbart






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