It took them pouting like children in the halls of Congress, but the Democrats were able to get establishment GOP leaders to cave in and introduce dangerous anti-gun legislation.
After House Democrats staged a “sit-in” to force a vote on new gun control measures, Speaker Paul Ryan announced to Republicans during a conference call that Congress will vote on what is referred to as a “counterterrorism package” when members return after the 4th of July weekend.
Of course, what’s really on the table are proposals to further stymie the right of Americans to defend themselves in the wake of Islamist terror like that recently committed in Orlando. The exact contents of the legislation are unknown at this point, but it is almost certain that there are some form of the onerous restrictions called for by Democrats contained within.
This means that, among other things, the ban on people placed on the no fly and terror watch lists sought by liberals may very well be implemented if the bills go through.
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..what !, after the 4th. Of July weekend, …oh’ man I smell something fishy about their timing.
Vote all you want you will not get our guns
Part of that bill wants you to get a background check to buy ammo.
When we take our country back we must remember which polititions voted how
Ryan is a Democrat imposter. There is no better way to pit it! Those from the Republican Party that elected him Speaker of the House should all be held accountable ! Ryan, dated and married democrats. Ryan’s ex girlfriend was a Democrat and his wife was a Democrat Lobbyist! Janna Little, Ryan’s first cousin is Rep. David Boren, Democrat. You can’t be dedicated to your party with this History! Why was he elected Speaker with this conflict of interest? Ryan, accepted a $2.4 Million dollar bribe for his “yea” vote to pass Fast Track bill! Ryan’s Omnibus bill for $1.1 Trillion dollars was a complete and total sell-out of the American people masquerading as a Appropriations bill. Read for yourself a outline of his bill passed by 3/5 Repblican lawmakers who are also traitors,
It should be illegal for Democrats, Muslim anbd Ryan to have guns!!
F**k that.
Gonna need a bigger one for all these traitorous rats
I will.
What an$#%&!@* This guy is probably a democrat disguised as a republican