It took them pouting like children in the halls of Congress, but the Democrats were able to get establishment GOP leaders to cave in and introduce dangerous anti-gun legislation.
After House Democrats staged a “sit-in” to force a vote on new gun control measures, Speaker Paul Ryan announced to Republicans during a conference call that Congress will vote on what is referred to as a “counterterrorism package” when members return after the 4th of July weekend.
Of course, what’s really on the table are proposals to further stymie the right of Americans to defend themselves in the wake of Islamist terror like that recently committed in Orlando. The exact contents of the legislation are unknown at this point, but it is almost certain that there are some form of the onerous restrictions called for by Democrats contained within.
This means that, among other things, the ban on people placed on the no fly and terror watch lists sought by liberals may very well be implemented if the bills go through.
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by God America is a 10, so its now or never if we dont vote for the Hero we will get the…. Zero …plus Bill….! , and she will bring in the…” SS” …that would be ” Soros Surrogets” under the guise of UN peace keeping forces boots on the ground on american soil……they maybe going for all the marbles.! ready for anything and please VOTE TRUMP its the only way to stem off whats in the air..!… so now we are MULUH OBOZOS chicken$#%&!@*nation….we are poised the enter the realm of the 4th world utterly pitiful that our congress allowed this to come to fruition…..the dems are desperate Dbags at this point they will light it on fire if they cant keep it..just watch…be ready stay vigilant. Trump 2016..time to get mean!
Everything for the “party,” – nothing for the People!
Nobody better take our guns away from us!
Because they have misinterpreted the 2nd amendment the whole time and even persuaded the populace to do the same. I could ask the same question to America. Background check to obtain firearms is anti 2nd amendment along with any type of permit (open and concealed), types of firearms and ammo able to purchase and sell, regardless of make and caliber. So on and so forth These are infringements. All based off of emotional responses instead of actual logical ones like shall not be infringed. It was clearly written in English for everyone to read and understand. So easy a 1st grader understands. There was a lot of reason our country’s founders wrote the bill of rights the way they did and had many reasons for doing so. But here we are….we allowed government to get to big and they’re getting bigger. Our rights are steadily being eroded away. One law after another. One infringement after another. Soon the people will have no say in anything (like what’s happening more quickly than before). Soon the government will have all control over the populace when it should be the populace has control of the government. Anymore they draw up one Bill after another turning it to law so fast we don’t even know the actual laws until we may find ourselves in prison for a long time or pay fines we can’t afford over a crime that we didn’t even know or thought possible would be considered a crime. Leaving it to the point that we are all criminals and don’t even know it yet.
Selling the AMERICAN people out!!!
Send this POS packing!
Nah all you need is one so they can watch what’s going to happen to them. Next…
Paul Ryan should be fired, what a disgrace
I’m, note to idiot republicans, we’re all watching what you do.
This guy should also be fired.