Speaker of the House Paul Ryan stunned conservatives in an interview with Sean Hannity. Asked by Hannity about the hordes of Muslim refugees trying to enter the country, Ryan refused to lend his support to efforts to investigate incoming migrants’ beliefs before letting them in, stating “that’s not who we are.”
By remarkable coincidence, this exact same phrase was uttered by President Obama when he criticized Republican pushes to more carefully vet Syrian immigrants, effectively putting Ryan in the same side of the ring as the president and the Democratic party.
On top of that, Ryan’s response ran in complete contradiction to the opinions of Senate Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who is referenced by Hannity in their discussion. A longtime analyst of immigration trends and effects, Sessions has concluded that the rate of immigrants coming into the US must be decreased, noting that a staggering “Eighty-three percent of voters want to see projected immigration growth reduced.”
Turn to the next page to learn about Ryan’s pro-immigration rhetoric:
Illegal’s are not welcome because the enemies of the world sneak in with them !
and a big screw you Paul ,you sorry Obama lover….
Need to dance with the ones who brought you !
He is a RINO!
Come on Ryan, just like Boehner
Last term for Ryan, he just committed political suicide, RINO
Ahhhh, sure that’s who we are!!!
He needs to follow Boehner footsteps and resign.
Important questions and information about the Islamic refugees
“Islam teaches that Muslims must wage war to impose Islamic Law on non-Muslim states.” So, I ask you WHY would our government wish to bring in those that believe in Islam, a form of totalitarian government and is not compatible with the U.S. form of government and wishes to destroy us?
Why, does our government have members of the Muslim Brotherhood within State Department, in the military, and intelligence departments? The Muslim Brotherhoods goal in America is: Clarion Project – “The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”
“Muslim persecution of Christians has continued for 13 centuries (1,300 years) – and still goes on.”
“Muhammad taught his followers that there was nothing better (or holier) than jihad warfare.”
“Muhammad told his men to offer non-Muslims only three choices: conversion, subjugation, or death.”
“Islamic law mandates second-class status for Jews, Christians, and other non-Muslims in Islamic societies.”
“The Qur’an and Islamic law treat women as nothing more than possessions of men.”
“The Qur’an sanctions wife-beating”
“Islam also allows for child marriage.”
“Islam allows for lying, as well as stealing and killing, in certain circumstances.”
“The Qur’an Describes Paradise in terms that make it clear that it is a place merely to indulge one’s physical appetites”
“Paradise is guaranteed only to those who “slay and are slain” for Allah.”
Quotes are from The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (AND THE CRUSADES).
To learn about Sharia the Threat, Muslim Brotherhood & Islam see http://tarheelteaparty.org/?page_id=470
See http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/17/why-syrian-refugees-are-not-like-jewish-refugees/#sthash.ISDvevEb.dpuf to
read: Why Syrian Refugees Are Not Like Jewish Refugees in WWII.
Ann Corcoran on Refugee Resettlement https://youtu.be/6PzT8vEvYPg
Go to https://stoprefugees.act.teapartypatriots.org/# to sign Petition to Stop the Syrian Refugee Resettlement.
Don’t speak for me. At this moment it’s who I am. BTW u sound just like worst president ever.