Speaker of the House Paul Ryan stunned conservatives in an interview with Sean Hannity. Asked by Hannity about the hordes of Muslim refugees trying to enter the country, Ryan refused to lend his support to efforts to investigate incoming migrants’ beliefs before letting them in, stating “that’s not who we are.”
By remarkable coincidence, this exact same phrase was uttered by President Obama when he criticized Republican pushes to more carefully vet Syrian immigrants, effectively putting Ryan in the same side of the ring as the president and the Democratic party.
On top of that, Ryan’s response ran in complete contradiction to the opinions of Senate Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who is referenced by Hannity in their discussion. A longtime analyst of immigration trends and effects, Sessions has concluded that the rate of immigrants coming into the US must be decreased, noting that a staggering “Eighty-three percent of voters want to see projected immigration growth reduced.”
Turn to the next page to learn about Ryan’s pro-immigration rhetoric:
I wish these so called leaders would STOP telling us who WE are !!! They speak for themselves! They need to be voted OUT !!! That’s who WE are !!
Who we are is smart enough to know better than to flood our country instead of help our own first.
I knew this would happen. Conservatives are not going to like this guy. He’s just as deep in the c**p as the previous Speaker. You’ll see by his decisions in the next cycle.
We need to be that.
Now you are trying to get Democrat votes. You know the problems with terrorists coming with them and that our veterans need more care. I am surprised at you.
Ryan is a Rino and a young John Boehner, which makes him untrustworthy!
well we need to be. these people are leeches and dont want to live by our laws. We tax payers are tired of suppofting them.
Hey Dude, take care of the Veterans, the homeless and the elderly first. He is no better than crybaby Boehner. We need Donald Trump. The entire government is corrupt now.
This stupid fool wants to be President some day. Just watch his actions as Speaker and he will destroy himself.
That the truth America is Amen.