Speaker of the House Paul Ryan stunned conservatives in an interview with Sean Hannity. Asked by Hannity about the hordes of Muslim refugees trying to enter the country, Ryan refused to lend his support to efforts to investigate incoming migrants’ beliefs before letting them in, stating “that’s not who we are.”
By remarkable coincidence, this exact same phrase was uttered by President Obama when he criticized Republican pushes to more carefully vet Syrian immigrants, effectively putting Ryan in the same side of the ring as the president and the Democratic party.
On top of that, Ryan’s response ran in complete contradiction to the opinions of Senate Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who is referenced by Hannity in their discussion. A longtime analyst of immigration trends and effects, Sessions has concluded that the rate of immigrants coming into the US must be decreased, noting that a staggering “Eighty-three percent of voters want to see projected immigration growth reduced.”
Turn to the next page to learn about Ryan’s pro-immigration rhetoric:
Time for Ryan to leave already!!!
You sir need to$#%&!@* them out!
get him out of being speaker
Wise up Ryan!
TOO MUCH KOOLAID! That is a direct quote from the antichrist Obama!
The rhino is coming out, I knew he would not act by the mainstream public wishes. Just another Boehner. The public has been dubbed again
I guess he has joined obummer said band!
He’s such a moron
Why don’t you idiots in DC just one time just once do something for our VETS and homeless on the streets?! Why can’t that be your priority? Years ago you brought in the Muslims and did nothing about our homeless then. A majority of these people you brought in are still living off the American taxpayers, say 90% of them. Now we have our VETS coming home and our government is doing nothing to help them!! The have PTSD, no homes, jobs or family. What’s being done to help them?! Their government wants to bring more refugees and help them!! A good majority of these refugees are terrorists mind you. Our president continues to name call and slander governors that know our people should come first!! The president is the antichrist and a Muslim!! He should be put on trial for being the traitorous POS he is. Found guilty and shot live on world wide TV as a reminder to terrorist like him. If you attack us or try to destroy our great country like this puke. We will find you and kill you like we did to our own (your own, I didn’t vote for him) president who tried to do it..
Muslims Muslims