Speaker of the House Paul Ryan stunned conservatives in an interview with Sean Hannity. Asked by Hannity about the hordes of Muslim refugees trying to enter the country, Ryan refused to lend his support to efforts to investigate incoming migrants’ beliefs before letting them in, stating “that’s not who we are.”
By remarkable coincidence, this exact same phrase was uttered by President Obama when he criticized Republican pushes to more carefully vet Syrian immigrants, effectively putting Ryan in the same side of the ring as the president and the Democratic party.
On top of that, Ryan’s response ran in complete contradiction to the opinions of Senate Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who is referenced by Hannity in their discussion. A longtime analyst of immigration trends and effects, Sessions has concluded that the rate of immigrants coming into the US must be decreased, noting that a staggering “Eighty-three percent of voters want to see projected immigration growth reduced.”
Turn to the next page to learn about Ryan’s pro-immigration rhetoric:
I wish all these politicians would stop deciding “Who” Americans are……they are obviosly not listening to the majority of Americans who do not want Syrians allowed in this country…..if they listened, perhaps they would actually see that Who and What we are is totally fed up citizens that are tired of the Washington D.C. bull c**p…and tired of having programs shoved down our throats..from healthcare to immigration…..
Oh Hell… another confused politician… doesn’t understand the voice of the Americans! Time to go!
he is no different then the rhino he replaced he is the sht that has Americans that love this great country and are fed up with the rhinos why Trump is so popular and will be our next president, He and maybe Cruz are the only two that I see having a chance to save America.
Ryan sold out to Obama
Hold congress and President a countable for the rapes and criminal activity they comment.
Now …where have we heard this before…??
If paul ryan is against controlling muslims throw his but out of office!!!
I do NOT want muslims in America either, you don’t know the good from the bad.when you find out it’s to late.
John Boehner reincarnated
Bull shot is what he is ralking.