Paul Ryan did not support Donald Trump during the campaign and often refused to defend him in the lead-up to the election. Now that Trump is President of the United States, not much has changed.
Sure, Ryan has participated in the requisite photo ops and has propped up Trump-backed legislation, but he has only been chummy with Trump when it’s convenient. It’s when the left surrounds Trump in a scandal that Ryan heads for the hills.
We saw this happen last year when the Access Hollywood tapes leaked. Many Republicans believed that audio, which featured a lewd conversation between Trump and Billy Bush, would ultimately cost Trump the election. Ryan subsequently announced that he would neither defend nor campaign with Trump.
Now that Trump is involved in another media-driven scandal — this time about Russia — Ryan is playing a familiar tune.
See what Ryan said that has many Trump supporters furious on the next page:
Yeah Ryan and you got a lot of money for what you’re not doing from George Soros.
In a way, and as a member of the Republican Party – you should be more loyal or join the democrats with your wife.
No, SERVING THE BEST INTEREST of the American people as a whole, is what you were elected to do. Quit ‘politicking’ and do the job!
S**t can this POS!!!!
You were elected to serve the people and you haven’t been doing a very good job.
ryan SUCKS !!!!
You are a disgrace
You were elected to represent we the people not whoever pays you the most!
your an assholoe, you gave Obama your complete support and now you say this
You were elected to get rip the governments intrusion into healthcare, repeal it man. You were elected to remove onerous regulations, confiscatory taxes, and strengthen and support the rule of law, non of which you seem to be able to do Mr. speaker. These are the same issues the President Trump was elected. It would appear that you and the president have same goals. Yet only one of you is honoring that promise. It isn’t you sir. You sir are a fraud.