After passing the omnibus spending bill, which provides 1.1 trillion dollars in support of every single one of Obama’s migration policies, Paul Ryan’s history of pro-immigration policies and voting record came to light.
Paul Ryan, who for the last 20 years has routinely and consistently voted in favor of open border immigration policies, thinks that it is right for him to have a fence around his own home, but thinks it is wrong to have a fence around America.
This hypocrisy on Ryan’s part is an indictment of Ryan’s term as Speaker, and foretells a grim future for his term. Paul Ryan is able to compromise on his own morals and ideals, as well as the ideals of the Republican party.
Find out more about Ryan’s security fence on page 2.
It’s to late for Paul Ryan karma kicked him in the butt.
I don’t know if Ryan can be trusted. He’s acting very strange. It seems he’s more concerned about himself then helping the people like us!!
Just another huge disappointment to the American people.
Blatant Hypocrite!!!! You afraid of something??? If so, why did you put a border around your Mansion??? You don’t need armed guards either—any congress or senate don’t need any armed guards!! Or the potus and family—-he wants to do away with the right to own a gun—that example needs to start at the TOP and go down!!! LOL Nerf Guns for them!!
Screw Paul Ryan
RINO REPUBLCANS Movie Over Trump Now
Such a disappointment he was