Now that the Democrats are the minority party once again, their hypocrisies are becoming increasingly clear.
In 2008, when Republicans balked at the election of Barack Obama, they were called unamerican, undemocratic and — of course — racist. The racism argument endured for years. Every time a member of the GOP stood in opposition to Obama, the left tried to spin a narrative of racism in order to delegitimize the argument.
When the issue of Barack Obama’s birth certificate became prominent, the left reignited their claims of racism. They said that Obama’s birthplace was only questioned because he was black — not because he spent his childhood abroad and could not find his long-form birth certificate as an adult. And, again, Republicans were accused of “not accepting the results of the election.”
But now it’s democrats that aren’t accepting the results of the election — but this time they don’t think that that is unamerican. Instead, they think it’s the “patriotic” thing to do.
Watch Paul Krugman make that nonsensical argument on the next page:
Bill and Hillary are the first step in the draining of the swamp.Term limits next.
More elite liberal bs, blame it on Hilary and Democratic Party corruption and wanting lawlessness to prevail!!!
If you questioned legitimacy how did SAMBO get elected twice DUMBSHIT ?????
What ever you do , do not look at the content of the emails, just beat the dead horse on who turned them over to we the people .
It’s also patriotic to question your mental stability. 🙂
Just another “educated” idiot from a very long line of liberal >Â¥%{,€% for brains waste matter.
How does he make out that “Hillary would almost certainly won” if the FBI hadnt got involved. How does he know.
Did Trump corrordinate with Russia, Did the FBI…, Are the lurid stories about Trump in Moscow true, we dont know but we cant dismiss them. Classic conspiracy theory thinking.
All Trump did was crack a joke about the Russians finding Hildebeast’s missing emails, and now it is a Russian Conspiracy to sabotage Hildebeast.
Still in shock.liberals just cannot face facts they lost because of their evil corruption for the last 8,grab your blankie,shove that thumb in your bewildered fat lying mouth.