The Department of Veterans Affairs recently sent a letter to a Vietnam veteran in Idaho stating their intent to confiscate his firearms. The reason? He suffered a minor stroke.
Now, state representatives and patriots are rallying behind the veteran in an attempt to stop the VA from violating his Second Amendment rights.
Patriots are actually standing guard outside the vets home.
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So very true
We know very well who caused this to happen.
Executive over reach. This is violation of the second ammendment.
His not losing his home sweetie….they want his guns. HE paid for them…so there HIS personal property!! That’s stealing!!!!!!!
Thought you’d like @[100002963585278:2048:Blue Ortiz]
You all are spouting off about Obama but if you follow the money trails is your senators and congressmen working to take them from you. Follow the money every time.
The slow purposely executed slow erosion of our 2nd amendment rights aimed first at veterans.
the govment wants vets disarmed…it is very obvious…