The Department of Veterans Affairs recently sent a letter to a Vietnam veteran in Idaho stating their intent to confiscate his firearms. The reason? He suffered a minor stroke.
Now, state representatives and patriots are rallying behind the veteran in an attempt to stop the VA from violating his Second Amendment rights.
Patriots are actually standing guard outside the vets home.
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How is this the VA concern?
Idaho has nullification, better not try.
HOW CAN THEY? VA has no AUTHORITY to do things like this!!
When they show up………..shoot them.
Thank You veterans for protecting veterans when you’ve had a stroke you are totally helpless you do need your firearm by your side in case of home invasion. thank you thank you thank you we have to have stand behind the American people.
Our oath never expires brothers!!
Our oath never ends veyerans
***We “Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines… SERVED to PRESERVE the FREEDOMS that MANY ARE ABUSING”……………… The PRICE WE PAID Should be REWARDED NOT DISTORTED… #Obama, and the #Obama Administration… BE CAREFUL of the STONES you throw… for We VETERANS will make you PAY THE TOLL… This COMBAT VETERAN recites…”DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR”. “THANK YOU ‘IDAHO’, for your Respect and Honor”.