The Department of Veterans Affairs recently sent a letter to a Vietnam veteran in Idaho stating their intent to confiscate his firearms. The reason? He suffered a minor stroke.
Now, state representatives and patriots are rallying behind the veteran in an attempt to stop the VA from violating his Second Amendment rights.
Patriots are actually standing guard outside the vets home.
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When going to the Dr. If its your own or VA they will ask you if you own guns. Tell them its none of their fning business. If you say yes then they report u to the feds.
As a vietnam vet that served and maintained criminal free demmonstrated behavior all of my 66 years of life, the loss of my 2nd amendment rights at a Cincinnati VA claims meeting 4 years ago has been a punishment doled out by cons$#%&!@*utional miscreants at the VA claims process. Until our leadership decides to clean up the corruption at the VA and start treating my brothers and sisters with the same legal respect that a court of law and legal defense would provide, there seems to be collusion in this gun confiscation technique that could merit prosecution for VA/government wrongdoing. Please prosecute the VA criminals, Secretary McDonald.
More nuts making the case for gun confiscation
This is why we all must stand up together and send a clear message to the criminal administration
Good men.
There would have been a hell of a lot more of us if the word had gotten out sooner
why don’t they go to Chicago and grab all the illegal guns.from the criminals…
aint getting my junk
Why dont they go after the guns of the Criminals,drug dealers and illegals first not to mention the fact that Chicago which has the highest crime rate in America has rigid gun Control and Detroit also yet people are killing each other daily.
WERE Has the VA get the right to take any thing form any one when they drag thier heals on helath care, we veterns should ahve a better plan than any congress person but we dont, its waits ot see doctors and then wait on appointments to the VA hospitals, when I get sick I cant got ot any doctor I ahve to go to the clinic an dsign in and wait praying someone cancels out so I can get in to see the doctor and I just dont feel like it, or I can drive 90 miles to a va hospital and wait in the emercangy room to see, a doctor its bull c**p, they sent me a white health card that is no good because i live wiht in forty miles of a clinic, but the clinic is booked soilid every day???? what to do just suffer,