The Department of Veterans Affairs recently sent a letter to a Vietnam veteran in Idaho stating their intent to confiscate his firearms. The reason? He suffered a minor stroke.
Now, state representatives and patriots are rallying behind the veteran in an attempt to stop the VA from violating his Second Amendment rights.
Patriots are actually standing guard outside the vets home.
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Glad to see these minute men coming to the aid of a patriot. It is time for civil disobedience. Do not back down.
Where is McCain hiding?
VA needs to stick to helping our vets and stay out of everything else what authority do they have for this anyway?
BS…who told them to take his guns?????????????????
This is part of the m$#%&!@*es bein able to help us revolt bein unarmed for they ALL had to take an oath of not only service but to protect liberty and or freedoms even from our own government hell bent on enslaving us ALL…
Lord, 18 more momths?
September 5th, rally with your community. Spread the word. Send the message to Congress, ” Impeach Obama “! Before it’s too late!
They are acting on authority of the Brady Handgun Violence Act signed into Law by President Bill Clinton; written by Charles Schumer.