The Department of Veterans Affairs recently sent a letter to a Vietnam veteran in Idaho stating their intent to confiscate his firearms. The reason? He suffered a minor stroke.
Now, state representatives and patriots are rallying behind the veteran in an attempt to stop the VA from violating his Second Amendment rights.
Patriots are actually standing guard outside the vets home.
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Saw this post start earlier, great job Merica.standing up for our vets!!!
About time some people stood up to the
Don’t let this happen to anyone. If they can’t have them then they should be p$#%&!@*ed on to family or friends until they can get them back, but they don’t belong to the government. Don’t back down from this folks, stand strong or they will do something else to try to steal them from us.
@[100001002074324:2048:Tony Steele]
If this veteran commits suicide how many of the “Patriots” will be asking “Why doesn’t the government care enough about our veterans to get them the help they need. Nearly 8 percent of American stroke survivors have suicidal thoughts, compared with 6.2 percent of heart attack survivors, 5.2 percent of diabetes patients and 4.1 percent of cancer patients, according to researchers.
Obummer and his friends want vets disarmed or dead because they not only have the knowledge and training to resist his tyrannical plans and his destruction of our nation that they swore an oath to God to “PROTECT AND DEFEND AGAINST ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGNERS AND DOMESTIC”!!!
Someone tell the VA they are not a police agency.
the VA has no authority to do this, they are not a law enforcement agency.
I cant believe he is still in office !!!!!!!
well if they can come after their guns why can’t they take time out and go after obama for treason