When so many American citizens are assaulted and harassed by police officers on a daily basis, sometimes it seems as if there are no good cops. And then guys like this show up.
On the 4th of July two security guards were about to search people just for the act of watching fireworks on their own property. They were put in their place when this hero cop showed up.
Is that so???
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…… THE END di questa MERDA antiumana !….
1.Mi dispiace ,……il Tempo si è scaduto….(y)………!!!….
2. La fine è la miglior soluzione di tutte le cose !……
….. THE END di questa MERDA antiumana !….
1.Mi dispiace ,……il Tempo si è scaduto….(y) !!!….
2. La fine è la miglior soluzione di tutte le cose !……..
You know what I think is funny people are worried about cops being shot just think of how many of them will died when the Government Finely get its way and removes all Americans their gun rights
you tell em officer…get on their asses about the Constitution
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Don’t lecture me about no stinking Cons$#%&!@*ution……
You did a great job defending these people and our cons$#%&!@*ution …thank you