Pat Buchanan lost two presidential campaigns with two parties during his political career. In 1996, he unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for president. Four years later, he made it onto the general election ballot as a Reform Party candidate. He came in fourth place behind George W. Bush, Al Gore, and Ralph Nader.
So Buchanan is intimately familiar with the art of the loss — something that Barack Obama seems to be struggling with now that his party got clobbered in the latest election.
This week, in an interview on Newsmax, Buchanan called out Obama’s “bitter” attitude during the presidential transition and took down a couple other high-ranking Democrats in the process.
Watch Buchanan ridicule Obama, Schumer, and Reid on the next page:
He didn’t succeed in George Soros’ plan of One Workd Order, a Socialist country! He failed George, Hillary lost, and he has only 11 more days to make sure Trump is not inaugurated and he is finally crowned King!! He is trying, but losing groud fast!
He is a very small and insignificant little fraud who is showing us how UN-Presidential he has ALWAYS been.
You already have!
This is what happens when you grow up sucking dicks all your life !!! Then trying to pass off a Gorilla transvetite fro a woman ,having the truth come out really hurt little girly boys feelings. While your crying bend over and put your head between your legs and kiss your own$#%&!@*good- bye you Muslim$#%&!@*you !!! Let that Gorilla of yours$#%&!@*your butt again and suck Americas$#%&!@*one last time on the way out !!! $#%&!@*perverted f*g Muslim$#%&!@*!!!
Put them in a Motel 6 for last
week!! Then they cant carry anything else out!!!
Obama’s legacy
This garbage was no president. He has almost destroyed our country all the while giving our money to Iran and other countries and entities that helped his agenda. You can know for sure killery had her hands in it to. It takes a very incompetent bunch to supposedly lose billions of dollars and with all their so called intelligence they still can’t find it. But they expect us to believe they found proof positive that Russia hacked our election. If you believe them then your part of the problem
” Let’s rock this joint” THEN POISON THE WELL.
I agree with James Lay 100 percent. Obama is extremely thin skinned. He is so sold on himself that he is convienced he will always be President. Don’t be surprised if he has to be physically removed from the White House. His presence in Washington is not needed.