Pat Buchanan lost two presidential campaigns with two parties during his political career. In 1996, he unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for president. Four years later, he made it onto the general election ballot as a Reform Party candidate. He came in fourth place behind George W. Bush, Al Gore, and Ralph Nader.
So Buchanan is intimately familiar with the art of the loss — something that Barack Obama seems to be struggling with now that his party got clobbered in the latest election.
This week, in an interview on Newsmax, Buchanan called out Obama’s “bitter” attitude during the presidential transition and took down a couple other high-ranking Democrats in the process.
Watch Buchanan ridicule Obama, Schumer, and Reid on the next page:
America will never be great again until Obama and family, Hillary and family, George Soros and many others to be tried for fraud/treason. Then take all their assets, future pay checks and insurances. Remove all Muslims that will not assimilate to American ways and laws. Don’t Mess with America…
We the people of America that believe in God our Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, creator of Heaven and Earth; and in Jesus Christ, Gods only son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. Then after three days arose from the dead to live forever.
Heavenly Father, within the powers and strength of your gracious will within the knowledge and understandings of your Holy Spirit, thank you for protecting American people from harm and giving us the desires to do and be that you would have us be and do within the moments in time. We so dearly love You, need You, patiently seeking your face, our Rock, our Fortress and our deliverer; O’ God, both Alpha and Omega, our strength in whom we trust, the foundation of our faith, our buckler and the horn of our salvations, our high tower and our refuge, our savior and creator of all things, our Father. amen
Personally I think he has a Narcasssisstic Personality Disorder which basically means he cares about me myself and I and possibly some Sociopathic tendencies as well He is a Muslim who has never cared about America
He is a traitor. Arrest him now for treason!
Long as he leave
They need to have him pay if he tears it up
Few President’s have left Americans as bitter as this one!!!
I suggest psych help because you are living in a fucking FANTASY LAND!
He’s an immature$#%&!@*