Pat Buchanan lost two presidential campaigns with two parties during his political career. In 1996, he unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for president. Four years later, he made it onto the general election ballot as a Reform Party candidate. He came in fourth place behind George W. Bush, Al Gore, and Ralph Nader.
So Buchanan is intimately familiar with the art of the loss — something that Barack Obama seems to be struggling with now that his party got clobbered in the latest election.
This week, in an interview on Newsmax, Buchanan called out Obama’s “bitter” attitude during the presidential transition and took down a couple other high-ranking Democrats in the process.
Watch Buchanan ridicule Obama, Schumer, and Reid on the next page:
He hates to give up the good life on Air Force one and all the freebies on our dime.
Obama was a spiteful hateful racist thief little man boy.
exactly the worst departure every..the man is pushing all the bad he can to try to wreck havoc before he finally leaves.
What more do you expect from low class lowlifes. Better audit the Whitehouse China, furnishings and artwork before these two men get booted out.
A small, small man.
I wish people would open their eyes and see what he has tried and in some cases succeeded in dividing our country lets give trump the respect he deserves he is our president he had a lot of work ahead .
HE IS A$#%&!@*!
Never new where the saying came from but he sure fits Obama,,”I wouldn’t p**s on him if he was on fire””
How about never ding b at
That shows that he does not care about the people.