A prominent evangelical pastor believes the Deep State has multiple plots underway to unseat President Donald Trump. Part of his conviction comes from a recent discussion with a senior Republican in Congress.
Most Americans are well aware of the current investigation being carried out by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Originally authorized to look into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign, Mueller appears to be widening the scope of the probe and is stocking his investigative team with activist Democrat lawyers.
Any objective observer can see the real mission for Mueller is to find a way to force President Trump from office.
Mueller is being aided and abetted by an increasingly hostile news media that’s feeding on leaks from Mueller’s team, Obama administration holdovers, and disinformation operatives in the Deep State.
However, Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne has received word of a more sinister effort to remove Trump from office “suddenly.” On the next page, find out the disturbing news he heard first-hand from a GOP insider.
I bet 99 percent of the people claiming there will be a civil war will disappear when the SHTF.
Ghost government at work!
And the clintons were 2
And yet pople voted for killary after 8 criminal years of billy the serial rapist.
Russian propaganda, trumps will be found guilty of at least money laundering, he’s done it before.
Just likeike JFK after his speech about the crupted government. They assassinated him. Yes it was the government not Oswal.
Democrats and the Rinos are afraid of President Trump. His has uncovering alot of cruption and they don’t like it
So when Religon gets involved against him and their beliefs it’s not ok but when he wants to put Religon against others it is. Hypocrites. Saying ones showing hatered by use of religion while the other does the same but defend it using religion.
Anna Scheidt you didn’t even read the article
You snowflakes should all melt in hell, after what the dems have done to this country. Even if it takes someone like trump to do it.
Our congress Is the reason we’re in this mess. Vote them out set term limits by executive order, Obama had no problem using it.
Mike Graham what exactly have the democrats done. List a couple of thing. But I’m sure you will slither away like all the trumpers