A prominent evangelical pastor believes the Deep State has multiple plots underway to unseat President Donald Trump. Part of his conviction comes from a recent discussion with a senior Republican in Congress.
Most Americans are well aware of the current investigation being carried out by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Originally authorized to look into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign, Mueller appears to be widening the scope of the probe and is stocking his investigative team with activist Democrat lawyers.
Any objective observer can see the real mission for Mueller is to find a way to force President Trump from office.
Mueller is being aided and abetted by an increasingly hostile news media that’s feeding on leaks from Mueller’s team, Obama administration holdovers, and disinformation operatives in the Deep State.
However, Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne has received word of a more sinister effort to remove Trump from office “suddenly.” On the next page, find out the disturbing news he heard first-hand from a GOP insider.
If this happens, the people backing this might be taken aback at the wrath that incurs and the quick response from the majority of the nation that voted this man in. I am just saying, let sleeping giants lie.
If it happens American will cease being a nation and will become a third world banana republic see how much spoiled and pampered punks have lost reality there will be a civil war if they attempt this and no democrats will be safe! Only thing worse then obstruction is attempting to forcibly removed the man the people voted into office let me guess they would try to replace him with Hillary Clinton or OBAMA good luck with that! The silent majority will no longer be silent and then Katy bar the door!
Stupid rabid assholes like Maxine waters Nancy Pelosi Elizabeth Warren Hillary Clinton barrack obama don’t think that’s crazy they are as fanatical as Muslim terrorist when they block him from giving the American people a better quality of life they will try anything unfortunately it would be open season on democrats that would tip the scale to far these gloablization people plan to take American exceptualism down three notches as barry OBAMA attempted to do and Hillary Clinton was to put the icing on the cake of America as we know it BEWARE!
Arrest this man!
Where’s Lee Harvey Oswald when you need him?
What happened to David Dukes .
Hilarious the people that take stock in b******t “newsfeed” like this. Hilarious.
If these criminals attempt to take down President Trump while they sat back and did absolutely nothing during racist Obama the clowns regime and ignored his treason!
These corrupt civil servant’s will have a war on their hands in the likes America has never seen before, and not kne of these criminal civil servants will have a place to hide in America!
Bill Harvey Haha, your’e right, he doesn’t give a squat about truth….he’s where’s the money!!!!!!!!!!!!