While we all agree President Obama isn’t going to lecture Muslims about women’s rights while holding Joe Biden’s hand inside the Mosques, it would be nice if his mind were present in one of his “pilgrimages” to “social justice.”
From The Daily Mail:
John Wood, a former Marine, and his wife Melissa Wood, have filed a civil rights complaint against La Plata High School, alleging their daughter – identified only as C.W. – spent one day in a modern history class studying Christianity, followed by two weeks immersed in Islam.
According to court documents obtained by The Daily Mail Online, the 11th grader ‘had to profess the Shahada by claiming ”There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”’
‘Such discriminatory treatment of Christianity is an unconstitutional promotion of one religion over another,’ President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center Richard Thompson said.
‘Parents must be ever vigilant to the Islamic indoctrination of their children’: John Wood, a former Marine, and his wife Melissa Wood, have filed a civil rights complaint against La Plata High School in Maryland
Thompson claims that, for non-Muslims, reciting such a statement is the equivalent of converting to Islam.
He also said the school failed to clearly make known to students and their families that a study of Islam was to be part of the world history curriculum.
Students were also required to memorize and recite the Five Pillars of Islam and were subjected to disparaging teachings about Christianity, the Woods claim.
‘The course also taught false statements such as Allah is the same God worshiped by Christians and Islam is a ”’religion of peace”,’ Thompson said in the filings.
World history: Maryland high school is being sued for teaching religious studies to students
‘A school cannot achieve diversity by punishing and alienating students who hold Judeo-Christian beliefs, while bolstering the doctrines and teachings of other religions.
‘Parents must be ever vigilant to the Islamic indoctrination of their children under the guise of teaching history and multiculturalism.
‘This is happening in public schools across the country. And they must take action to stop it.’
Additionally, the suit claims that Mr Wood was banned from the school grounds after complaining about the curriculum.
Change has come.
Now in America, we threaten our heroes of 9/11 becasue they want to stop the doctrine of the 9/11 hijackers from being forced down our children’s throats.
Source: The Daily Mail
Dummies should have been taking their daughter to church!!!
hope u win
I call it another Obama’s ideology ……… don’t pray at schools as is against human rights but is ok if you teach Islam to none Muslims …. hmmmmm I wonder when will the America people will wake up against this abuses to the America dream . #FreedomIsNotTellingMeWhatToDoOrHowToLiveMyLife……
If true he should sue.
Good and others need to step up with them and do something and good for you mom and dad
Need to slap them down..Have no Rights telling ANY CHILD Who to worship! GOD IN JESUS NAME! AMEN .
it is time to put a stop to all thet kind of c**p
Great for those parents stand behind hang theirvasses