Parent of ‘Transgender’ Teen Warns: ‘We Have to Fight This Radical Movement’

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Kristie Sisson shared in a heartbreaking interview with Breitbart News that the overzealous left is working to prevent troubled children from receiving the mental health services they desperately need.

Before Danielle ever mentioned wanting to become transgender, she suffered from some mental health issues and the aftermath of suspected sexual molestation.

Nevertheless, Sisson acknowledges her daughter may have suffered from depression and specifically points to the parents’ concern that, when Danielle was in elementary school, she had a music teacher who was later convicted of sexual misconduct with students.

“We suspected the teacher had done something to our daughter, but she never would admit to it,” Sisson says, adding that Danielle had also started “cutting” during middle school by nicking herself with her razor and then telling her friend what she had done – behavior that appeared soon after a health class presentation in school that covered the topic of cutting.

After Danielle became adamant she wanted to become transgender a week after meeting another “transgender” student, her parents tried once again to help her find the right resources for working through those confusing feels. The only problem was however, they didn’t exist.

Since Danielle was insistent she wanted to become a boy, Sisson says she and her husband found a therapist who said she specialized in transgender and homosexual teens, one who assured the parents she would not simply affirm Danielle’s desire to become a boy.

Eventually, Danielle told her parents her therapist had recommended to her that she begin hormone treatments to start the “transition” process.

While at the same time, Mr. and Mrs. Sisson also noticed their daughter becoming suicidal and engaging in reckless behaviors.

Three months after the therapy started, Sisson says she and her husband discovered Danielle was smoking pot, drinking, and writing in her journal that she wanted to commit suicide.

That is when they decided to find their daughter a new therapist who could provide Danielle with the type of guidance she needed for figuring out her identity. But, the next “gender specialist” was even worse.

The parents subsequently began to look for another therapist – one who could address Danielle’s self-destructive behavior. At the same time, Danielle was also prescribed anti-depressants by a doctoral-level nurse who, Sisson says, began referring to Danielle as a “he” after spending just 30 minutes with her.

The advice these “gender specialist” were giving went in stark opposition to the medical advice of every other health professional who warned these sudden changes could wreak catastrophic consequences.

When Sisson took her daughter for her physical before she began college, she told the doctor that Danielle wanted to begin hormone transition treatments once she turned 18 in June. The doctor told Danielle, however, that she was moving too quickly on a decision she had made only six months earlier.

“He told her you need to slow down, you don’t just jump in and start taking hormones, and you’ve got a lot of changes that are taking place right now in your life,” Sisson recalls. “He told her you need to graduate high school, enjoy your summer, go off to college, get used to living on your own, and focus on your school work. Come back and see me in December.”

Danielle started to calm down her insistence on identifying as a boy and even dressed like a girl for her high school graduation. But then, once she went to college, everything changed again. And this time, her parents were to become vilified across the internet as social justice warriors shared her story of “parental abuse”.

Continue to the next page to learn what happened after Danielle left for college

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  1. Howard

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