In the aftermath of this month’s release of what have become commonly referred to as the “Panama Papers” by German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, many world leaders and their close associates have been implicated in corrupt practices.
Leaders such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, (now-resigned) Prime Minister of Iceland Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the King of Saudi Arabia, and many others have been named alongside drug dealers, arms smugglers, human traffickers, and mob bosses in the largest leak in journalistic history.
All in all, 12 current or former world leaders and 128 other politicians have been directly connected to the scandal. Notably absent from this list are the names of any American prominent figures or politicians or other high-profile officials from NATO countries, which has led to a number of theories on the true nature of the Panama Papers.
Is it possible that the leak itself came from inside the United States to damage unfriendly countries and political enemies around the world? What do links to George Soros and other left-wing groups mean? To delve deeper continue on the next page:
Hey Jeremy, we don´t want to put links to other sites on the first page, generally not too much on the second page save the source link. The objective is too keep people on the site reading. Have you read the write up on Page Views?
Of course. It means one of them was behind it!
Clintons will be there if there is money involved!!
Question everything…question motives…question US corrupt officials trying to convince Americans of other countries corruption while playing the good child themselves
Why does that surprise you
because there guilty as hell in theis conspiracy
US State Department in charge of overseas Financial Crime information. (call it up if you don;t believe that). Clinton was in charge of State now Kerry and you wonder why they have not been named? connect those dots
Old money, outing new money for ousting the old money. Didn’t the PM of Iceland kick out the big banks?
That’s not surprising!!! They are still trying to convince us that a plane hit the pentagon!!!! That our food and water is safe to consume!!! That our vaccines are necessary!!! No, don’t worry!!
We don’t spy on Americans via phones and TVs!!
They must be bought and paid for by the same people who ‘authored’ the ‘leak’—Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, Ford, ….