Anti-terrorism activist Pamela Geller took to the Internet again to rebuke President Obama, this time for suggesting that people opposed to his Syrian refugee settlement program only are because they’re bigots. Nevermind, as Geller points out, the possibility that violent Islamic extremists might slip in with the incoming migrants and try to commit Paris-style attacks here. No, it’s your unease about this that’s the problem!
Not only does the President come across as naive, he also comes across as a hypocrite and out to destroy the nation. Denouncing Republicans for proposing “litmus tests” to determine the religious affiliation of refugees seeking to be resettled, Obama forgets his own brushing off of Geller’s organization’s, Stop Islamization of America, efforts to provide asylum to Christians fleeing the Middle East in 2011.
While Obama can lecture us about it’s not “who we are” to turn our backs on people fleeing their countries, it definitely is who he is judging by his callous response to the plight of persecuted Christians.
Read more of Geller’s takedown of Obama on the next page:
“Obama” is Satan’s Emissary.
He appears to be making someone Happy with his Anti-American deeds.
Yes it’s Socialism, Communism,Facism, utopianism and Marxism idealogies working together to destroy America from the umbrella of theDemonic Party.
He wants the world to be the way he wants it to be not as it really is. Clearly he is anti American
Muslims will not change and believe in everyone changing for them ..Why is Obama bringing them into our civilized nation ??????? And will use any means to achieve their aims .. They are taught from early childhood to kill and hate . They belong in their own land with their own people . They do not belong in the USA or other civilized countries. I can not believe the women of the world have not come together to stop the spread of this vile culture
OBAMA is a very incompetent so called leader. As an American, I am outraged!! Obama and Hillary are trying to take America down by the hands of Islamic terrorist! Obama is a disgrace!! Covering for Islam and blaming Republicans? This imbecile has NO SHAME!
Our intelligence warns of imminent danger, yet he pushes his agenda, regardless of many warnings!
I’m standing with #TRUMP a REAL LEADER!!
It’s time to stand up and cut the head off the snake!!
#Trump ALL the way!!
Obama is the most shameful thing to ever have any position of power in the U.S.
A total embarrasment to the whole world, a pos racist muzzie.
Obamas seven years of Bashing America has come to this. This is one thing he can not blame on Bush.