Footage from a security camera shows a woman in Islamic attire walk up to an Israeli security guard at the entrance to a West Bank settlement.
As the guard looked over her documentation, the woman reaches into her purse, pulls out a large knife and proceeds to attack him. He wounded her with a gunshot and came out of the ordeal himself with only minor injuries.
See the attack on the following page:
It was the knife.
David Brown, you show profound disregard for history & reality. Palestinians can leave any day & go to any Muslim country of their choice. There is no need for them to stay in the West Bank neither historically nor religiously.
Now she’s in a coma!
David Brown Israel is trying to survive and they should and will! You sir are ignorant at the least and inbred most likely!
They should wake her up and tell her that we’re having pork for supper!
What are you smoking!
So f**e
Just remember what Obama has said: They really don’t mean what they say, she was only kidding around. Just more muslim humor. These people are just a crack-up.
I love happy endings.