As pundits, journalists, historians, and the rest of us start to reflect on the accomplishments and failures of Mr. Obama during his tenure as president, surely one of the saddest of his failures has been his squandering of his unique opportunity to solidify the gains in the harmony between the races that have been accomplished over several difficult decades. Instead, he has chosen to ally himself with groups such as Black Lives Matters and other extremists who are not interested in following the path to racial harmony. He should be ashamed of that.
Perhaps we should have expected that from a man who spent many of his formative years under the tutelage of radicals, social agitators, and America-haters. That still doesn’t excuse his behavior, and the nation, as well as real people are worse off for his poor choices. Instead of advancing the worthy cause of racial harmony, he’s turned the clock backwards.
Specific examples of his recent efforts to sponsor unrest on page two.
Those protestors should not get anything other than jail time
He belongs in jail
I believe a lot if this discourse will stop once Trump is in the WH… They all know Obama is a push-over and a wimp… Obama will not do a dang thing. He only does things underhanded and behind the scenes because he really cannot handle confrontation. Obama is like a sheep and Trump is like a lion….
Not sure what the protest is about .. Protesting Soros??
Well this just promotes more unrest!
He has to support his bros.
I was brought to tears last week… Out of anger and frustration of what Obama and the Democrats have done to my country. I have felt so helpless with no one, in the last 8 years, to stand up for me. No one to voice my frustrations to, because our Congress has been on an 8 year hiatus, doing nothing but collecting a paycheck. But then, we get a voice and his name is Donald Trump. He knows the frustrations I have been dealing with. I knew he was the man for the job… The current administration hated him and did all they could to stop him…. But did not succeed. Now we have protesters and Dems screaming for recounts, popular votes and electors receiving death threats to change the election to Hillary…. After all of this, why in the world would we ever want Hillary as president??
George Soros is funding BLM, move on paying protesters, riots that are criminals bus them to major cities to stop Trump. Put ads in Craigslist. George Soros should be charge with sedition & treason. US code title 18- part 1》chapter 115, He is Hungarian Jew, who betrayed his own people during the holocaust for profit. George Soros wants The New One World Order. This is his plan to destory America, to keep everyone in poverty, while he lives in uspeakable wealth.