As pundits, journalists, historians, and the rest of us start to reflect on the accomplishments and failures of Mr. Obama during his tenure as president, surely one of the saddest of his failures has been his squandering of his unique opportunity to solidify the gains in the harmony between the races that have been accomplished over several difficult decades. Instead, he has chosen to ally himself with groups such as Black Lives Matters and other extremists who are not interested in following the path to racial harmony. He should be ashamed of that.
Perhaps we should have expected that from a man who spent many of his formative years under the tutelage of radicals, social agitators, and America-haters. That still doesn’t excuse his behavior, and the nation, as well as real people are worse off for his poor choices. Instead of advancing the worthy cause of racial harmony, he’s turned the clock backwards.
Specific examples of his recent efforts to sponsor unrest on page two.
Lisa Garska Norwood Totally there with you. Now with this recount business…who is to say the recount could be crooked! I get worked up and have to just put it in Gods hands, I just can’t handle it. Let pray Trump stays our pres.
u bunch of DUMBASS people believe this s**t
No frigging way . I’m so sick of all this coruption.
All they should be getting is a noose
This is one shallow mind here. I’m no racist but if being black gives you Moore right to destroy everyone’s lifestyle then you are the racist. There are black white yellow and red in the black lives matters gang. And I’ve had enough of them breaking the laws that we all have lived by for hundreds of years. There is a line and it has been crossed with the blessings of uorr so called democratic party. The true racist is them if you were intelligent enough to do your homework. You would know that the KKK was started by the no4thern states. So cling to you false beliefs and lose what you believe I is the truth.
Don’t give this scum my tax dollars, hell we already give them enough
I’m from Baton Rouge and everyone I’ve talk to thinks this the most outrageous thing to happen besides our police officers being killed …. it absolutely sucks…. I can’t believe they are rewarding them for illegal activity….
That is TOTALLY C**P
What I want to know is will the IRS be auditing those thugs that are being paid to riot. They are supplementing their welfare, and should be paying tax on that income.
The city settled because they violated the protesters’ rights and were going to lose. “Paid protesters” is a lie.
And for all the people blaming Obama, this is the local government paying, not the federal. Obama has nothing to do with it. You’re only bringing him up because you’re racist.