One really must feel empathy for the good cops in America. Just imagine the constant stress of dealing with the inherent dangers of facing down criminals in the street …
While it is plainly obvious that our nation is becoming more divided along racial and political lines, where exactly is all of it headed? Many believe that we are …
There are at least 2 major omissions contained within the hotly debated "Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election" produced by Robert Mueller. The omissions are so …
Political columnist Tony Elliott from FreedomOutpost has published an article surmising that Hillary Clinton has a "master plan" to take the White House in the upcoming election. Perhaps the …
In the opening statement for her show "Justice With Judge Jeanine" on Saturday, Judge Pirro said her sources indicate that justice is coming for those who attempted a coup …
CNN's chief Washington correspondent Jake Tapper began Sunday's “State of the Union” saying that President Trump and the U.S. got "excellent economic news Friday" acknowledging that "unemployment hit 3.6%. That's …
Former Vice President and 2020 candidate Joe Biden took 'Trump-like' shots the President on Saturday, calling him a “clown” who was helping “Jim Crow” racism to return to the …
Judge Napolitano continues to shred his reputation with more anti-Trump administration rhetoric and accusations. This time directed at Attorney General William Barr. For all the world to see, the …
One America News Network reporter Jack Posobiec reported Thursday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is furious with Speaker Nancy Pelosi over her comment that Attorney General William Barr broke …
Alabama state Rep. John Rogers (D) created a firestorm after saying some "kids are unwanted" so you "kill them now or kill them later" in an argument against House …