Donald Trump was elected partially on his promise to repeal Obamacare — but he may not have to do much.
Trump has already suggested that he has no intention of dismantling the law in its entirety. Despite the public’s overall dissatisfaction with the Affordable Care Act, certain popular elements remain. In particular, the provisions that allow children to stay on their parents’ insurance until they are 26 and the preexisting conditions clause are still viewed favorably by the public. The individual mandate and state-run health co-ops, however, have remained unpopular ever since their implementation.
Trump has proposed an end to these state-run co-ops, suggesting that an inter-state system of private competition could help lower costs across the board.
Implementing these changes without a filibuster-proof senate may be difficult, but the state-run co-ops look to be disappearing all by themselves.
Witness the scale of the state-run co-op collapse on the next page:
Leslie Johnson I agree that people need to be able to get treatment. It’s just if we go the risk/insurance route for providing care forcing pre-existing conditions to be ignored really will cause private insurance to sky rocket.
I think Ann Coulter once said for these cases we do need some sort of help for people, perhaps a government fund for people with horrible diseases which they did not cause.
But in general, if these are to be actual risked-based insurance companies, forcing them to take on patients whom they know ahead of time have astronomically expensive conditions, will cause the cost to be spread out among the healthy, those who even from their own efforts such as not smoking, keeping their weight down, exercising, etc. remain disease free. ALSO, insurance needs to follow the person. No constant switching, and we should be able to buy it across state lines. Competition.
Obama care is an epic failure !!!
A question and a comment Debbie: 1) How do you propose to accomplish the “insurance needs to follow the person. No constant switching”?
2) All I can say is I am thankful we don’t have to be faultless in order for God to cover us with forgiveness and redeem us through the Messiah. If he were like a no preexisting conditions because you didn’t live faultlessly and that contributed to your problem, there wouldn’t be any hope.
Sarah Lloyd did I say all ? I said “ppl that voted for him”.
Alexander Martinez and ? That explains nothing. Some of you “geniuses” on the far right did not know it was the same thing.
Leslie Johnson I agree. But something besides the business model of a for-profit insurance company would need to be followed if pre-existing conditions are allowed. National Health is the first that comes to mind but socialized medicine is fraught with its own negatives.
By following the person, I mean that in my ideas for what would work, health insurance would ALWAYS be bought individually and not be provided by work places. And it would follow you wherever you go.
And giving an incentive like lower premiums for living healthy lifestyles would undoubtedly actually produce more healthy lifestyles
As far as making an analogy to the kingdom of God, don’t forget while we are forgiven, we still live on this earth with the consequences of our sins and pay prices like maybe the death penalty for murder, etc. Forgiven, but there are consequences.
There are consequences, but the consequence is not the death sentence for every case. Is the worth of a person determined solely by how well they can avoid addiction or weight gain? Also, there are complex reasons behind every situation and we, limited by our lack of knowledge and discernment, are not the best judges.
Not arguing against that at all. Just saying that if we are going to have a business model of affordable health insurance it has to be done in a way that will actually work economically.
Maybe you want some sort of universal national or state health insurance. I don’t, but there are arguments to be made for it. I like systems that reward good behavior. And yet have a net for those with horrible diseases.